Sunday, December 3, 2017


For with God nothing will be impossible.  Luke 1:3

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3 (three weeks old)

I am back here after being home for a week.  I was able to go with Michael and Christine to see the miracle babies today. 

Mckayla weighed 2 lbs, 1.9 oz  She is still on IV for fluids but is also getting her mothers milk via her feeding tube.  Today she got 8 ml per feeding.    Her nurse made a keepsake bag of the things she has outgrown already that the nurses use to care for her.  She is still on the breathing tube. Her alarms went off a few times while I was there.

Madilynn weighed 2 lbs, 5.5 oz.  She is also on IV for fluids plus 8 ml of her mother's milk at each feeding.   She slept peacefully the entire time I was there. 

Mackenzie has gained weight!!  She weighed 2 lbs, 4 oz.   She is on 14 ml of mother's milk every feeding.  She had her eyes open while I was there.  When we talked to her, her heart rate increased to 185.    She pulled her breathing tube out so they decided to see if she was ready to be on her own with breathing.  Unfortunately she had to be intubated this evening. 

When the babies forget to breathe, the nurses have to intervene by touching them, moving them, or even sitting them up to get them to breathe.  Mackenzie did that this evening and did not breathe and the nurse said she was turning blue, which is why the put they breathing tube back in. 

Christine was able to change all their diapers during care time.  Care time is when they take care of their needs and feed them.  Christine tries to be present at these during the day so she can do whatever she is allowed to do for each baby. Christine has started calling her miracle angel babies the warrior princesses since they are so strong and fighting so bravely through all the obstacle they face!


ActionJackson said...

Paying for the whole family!

Kristy said...

Ahhh, the warrior princesses!!! I shall call them that as well!

MamaNan said...

So much appreciated!! :)

MamaNan said...

:) that they are for sure!