Friday, December 22, 2017


Abraham never wavered in believing God's promise, his faith grew stronger and in this he brought glory to God.  Romans 4:20

When we were told that Baby A (McKayla) would not survive without a miracle and doctors had very little hope for her survival and the subsequent negative impact it would have on Baby B (Madilynn) we prayed for a miracle and asked that it would be for the Glory of God.  It is only through God's amazing gracious mercy that we have three beautiful little girls who are doing well despite daily setbacks. 

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2017 ( 5 weeks, 5 days)

Mckayla is doing well. She is breathing with the nose prongs in her nose now instead of with a breathing tube.  She is a feisty little girl and moves around and lifts her little hiney up.  She opens her eyes more often.  She seems to know when her twin is in distress because her heart rate increases and makes her alarm go off too, but once her twin is calmed down she also calms down.  Mommy got to hold her and Madilynn at the same time. It was the first time Christine was able to hold more than one baby at a time.  Mckayla weighs two pounds, twelve ounces.

Madilynn had her breathing tube removed this week.   She also has the oxygen assisted prongs in the nose.  She has an issue with her throat which the doctors think may be irritation and rawness from the breathing tube.  They are waiting to see if it clears up on its own before taking an x-ray to see what it going on.  Suctioning is not helping the rattle when she breathes.  She is also an active little girl. She weighs three pounds, two ounces.

After holding Mackenzie and Madilynn for about twenty minutes, Madilynn's alarm went off and she had six bradys in a row.  Her eyes closed, she turned white.  The nurse vigorously rubbed her and pulled the feeding tube out to get her to breathe again.  As you can imagine it was a very distressing time for Mommy and baby.  Finally her color returned and her feeding tube was replaced.  When Madilynn was in distress, Mckayla's heart rate increased to 210.  The nurses think it is the twin syndrome when one twin knows what is going on with the other twin.    After all was resolved with the babies, Mommy was able to hold them for an hour and a half.

Mackenzie is on the CPAP which means she is breathing on her own and only has pressure  to keep her lungs from collapsing since they are so immature.  She is as low as she can go on that.  If she continues to do well with the CPAP they will wean her off that and she will be breathing entirely on her own.  At 34 weeks they will transition Mackenzie to a crib if all continues well with her.  She only had one vomit in a 24 hour time frame so that is also a great improvement.  Mackenzie weighs  two pounds, fourteen ounces. 

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