Friday, December 1, 2017


Moved with compassion, Jesus reached out and touched him, "I am willing", he said.  "Be healed"  Mark 1:41

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1 (two weeks and five days old)
(30 WEEKS)

Today was a milestone day!  Mckayla the tiniest baby reached two pounds.  All babies are at two pounds.

Mckayla's medicine for her heart seems to have worked. The could not hear the murmur and the sonogram showed the PDA was small enough to close on its own.  She will resume feedings tonight or tomorrow.  Her vent settings went down which is a good thing and means she can be weaned off her breathing tube.

Madilynn's murmur has softened; it is not as harsh sounding.  The PDA is closing with the help of the medicine after two doses.  They will check it again and see if she needs the third dose.  She will also resume feedings.  Her vent settings also went down so she too can be weaned off the breathing tube.

Mackenzie has not gained weight in a week.  She weighs two pounds which was her birth weight.  They have put her on liquid protein to try to get her to gain some weight.  Her vent setting have not decreased so she still needs her breathing tube.

Pray that the PDA's will continue to close. Pray that Mckayla and Madilynn will be weaned off the breathing tube soon.  Pray that Mackenzie will gain weight and that her vent setting will decrease so she can be weaned off the breathing tube.

Thank you!

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