Thursday, December 7, 2017


You can pray for anything and if you have faith you will receive it.  Matthew 21:21

 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7 (3 weeks, 4 days old)

MCKAYLA BABY A  is doing well.  She is gaining weight and was up to 2 pounds 7 oz this week. Daddy  got to hold her yesterday. She does forget to breathe especially at night and alarms go off and the nurse needs to help her breathe again.  When they have rough nights then mommy and daddy can't hold them the next day.

MADILYNN BABY B is having some issues.  She had to have that blood transfusion after all.  They test them too frequently for their blood to build  back up.  She also has an infection so they started her on antibiotics.  Her tummy is very distended and they do not know why.  They took an x-ray today to see if they could determine what is going on with that. She also weighed 2 pounds 7 oz. Mommy got to hold her yesterday.

MACKENZIE BABY C was able to be held by her daddy for the first time.  He held her for an hour and a half.  She loves to grab onto her wires and pull them out.  She had an x-ray done today also to see if they replaced her feeding tube correctly. They have put her tube all the way to the intestine instead of just the stomach.  She has been vomiting some.   She is not doing well gaining weight.  She is only at her birth weight of two pounds.    

I held Jack up to see Mckayla and he said in the sweetest sing song voice "I love you".
Pray that the babies will have better nights with fewer alarms going off.  Pray that Madilynn's infection will heal quickly and her tummy distention issue will be resolved.  Pray that Mackenzie will be able to keep her milk down and digest it and start gaining weight.

Thank you!


Edamame Mommy said...

Continuing to pray!

MamaNan said...

Thank you! It is much appreciated :)