Sunday, December 3, 2017


I have had a few questions about being able to comment, to be notified when I post, and how many have looked at the blog.  To answer all these questions, I added a few gadgets to the right. 

The comment section has been enabled, so you may comment now and please do!  It was so encouraging to all of those many friends I started out texting updates to when you replied. I was wondering why I was not getting any comments when I had so many views and realized I had not added the comment box.  It is there now!!

The counting number is up for those interested in that.  And for those who may be interested, we have readers from Mozambique, Peru, South Korea, Italy, and Australia.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read the updates, comment and PRAY.  We are so blessed to have so many praying for our miracle babies around the world.  They are doing marvelously well  and we know it is because we have so many interceding often for their health and well being. 

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