Monday, December 4, 2017


Anything is possible if a person believes.  Mark 9:23

MONDAY, DECEMBER 4 (three weeks and one day old)

Mckayla still has her IV in but is increasing her milk intake every twelve hours.  Because her kidneys are immature, carbon dioxide is building up in her body.  This could be causing her breathing issues.  She soon may be able to regulate her body temperature.

Madilynn no longer needs her temperature monitored.  She can regulate her own now.  She is still on the breathing tube and also liquid protein.  The doctors decided not to do a blood transfusion since she is just one percent under where a transfusion is needed.  She may soon have her breathing tube removed.

Mackenzie is having issues with her esophagus.  It appears to be swollen.  They will watch it closely and if necessary will call in an ENT specialist in case there is a developmental issue or something else.  They had difficulty intubating her last night and discovered this problem.  She was not intubated.

All three miracle babies had a rough night and once again Mommy could not hold them today.  She was only able to change their diapers at care time. 

Please pray that Mckayla's kidneys will be able to keep the carbon dioxide from building up in her body and that she will be able to regulate her body temperature soon.  Pray that Madilynn will have her breathing tube removed soon and gain weight.  Pray that the issue with Mackenzie's esophagus will heal soon and not be a serious issue. 

Pray that all three will stabilize very soon and be able to held by mommy and daddy.

Mommy had fun time playing with Jackson outside Sunday morning.  Jack was so glad to spend time with Mommy.  He misses her very much. 


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