Saturday, December 9, 2017


FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9 (3 weeks, 5 days)

Madilynn:   I texted a prayer request yesterday afternoon about Madilynn's infection worsening and the doctor wanting to do a spinal tap to check for meningitis.  She did end up having the spinal tap.  It was clear.  They put her on antibiotics and she is doing better.  The infection is caused by all the tubing they have.

 Mckayla:  She is also suffering now from bacterial infection.  They also put her on antibiotics.  Her oxygen levels kept increasing too much yesterday which was indicative of an infection.

Mackenzie:  Her feeding tube is in place and working well.  She has lots of oral secretions from multiple tubes.  That is very frustrating for the babies and they have to wait until the nurse suctions them out. 

We are so thankful that Madilynn did not have meningitis.  We wish she would not have had to endure the spinal tap.  Thank you for those who prayed for her yesterday when I sent out my emergency prayer request.


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