Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Give thanks to him who alone does mighty miracles.  His faithful love endures forever.  
Psalm 136:4

 DECEMBER 27, 2017 (six weeks, three days)

The verses that I have posted on each update were the verses we read when we prayed for Baby A to survive and thrive.  This is the last one in the group.  God graciously gave us Baby A.  We do not know what is ahead for the triplets health wise.  Being born so very early comes with its own set of potential health complications, but we are so grateful that God has blessed us with three miracle babies.  Miracles in conception, miracles in development,  and miracles in keeping Baby A alive and Baby B not being comprised, miracles that they passed the five point test repeatedly in the womb with flying colors and miracles  that each one was able to breathe at birth. They are so very tiny and just an amazing miracle to watch and see how perfectly formed these babies were at just 27 weeks from conception. 
McKayla had a rough night and morning.  She had 28 bradys just this morning.  The doctor thinks she is having a reaction to the eye drops they used in testing her eyes yesterday since all her blood work came back fine.  They may need to reintubate her with a breathing tube.  She is growing and staying up with her sisters.    Her alarms still go off often.  The scariest one is for when she stops breathing.  Michael was able to hold her for about a half hour yesterday but then she had an episode of not breathing and her heart rate went down to 9.  Unfortunately, they had to put her back in her isolette to stabilize her.  On Christmas Eve she was three pounds one ounce.  Christmas Eve was milestone day as all babies have reached three pounds!!

Madilynn had her breathing tube removed.  She is on the cannula, being weaned to be ready for the CPAP.  She too has alarms go off frequently.  The breathing issue is the most often sounded alarm.  Breathing is centered in the brain and they just are not at the development age yet where breathing occurs naturally.  She is the feistiest one of the three and moves and stretches a lot. Mommy held her and Mackenzie together and the girls held hands!   She weighed three pounds, seven ounces on Christmas Eve.

Mackenzie is doing  well on CPAP.  They are slowly weaning her off that little by little.  She will be transitioned to a crib soon if all continues well.  Her alarms still go off frequently.  Her mommy got  to hold her Christmas Eve but it takes about half hour to get her from the isolette to her mommy, adjusting wires and getting her comfortable on mommy.  Finally she was able rest comfortably on mommy.  Mommy gave her pacifier to her and dripped breast milk in her mouth with a syringe while she sucked to equate sucking with nursing.  Mackenzie put her thumb in her pacifier and it looked like she was sucking her thumb.  Her sucking reflex is amazing and we could hear her sucking and watch her pacifier moving with the suction.  She is the most laid back of the three babies.  She has her daddy's personality!   Her weight on Christmas Eve was three pounds, one ounce also.  She is the most mature with development. 

We thank you for your prayers and wish a Blessed and Bountiful New Year! 

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