Monday, December 11, 2017


MONDAY, DECEMBER 11 (4 weeks, one day old)

Now to him that is able to do immeasurable more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.  Eph3:20

The ups and downs of  premature babies can change hour to hour.    Things can seem fine and then at a moment's notice change with our miracle babies. 

Mckayla is now fighting pneumonia in one lung.  She is on two different antibiotics.  When I was there Saturday her alarms were going off because her oxygen levels kept dropping. She is on IV plus mother's milk. Their weights fluctuate so much from day to day, I will try to just update you weekly on their weight.  Pray that the pneumonia will clear with no further complications. 

Madilynn is fighting a respiratory issue and is also on antibiotics.  She is on an IV plus mother's milk.  She had a heating pad on where they had removed her IV Saturday because the area was swollen.  She was sleeping peacefully on Saturday.  Pray that her respiratory issues will not turn into pneumonia.

Mackenzie is still having digestive issues and the doctors have decided she is allergic to mother's milk and are going to put her on formula.  She is still throwing up and actually threw up while I was there.  She is not gaining weight well at all.  They did decide to hold off on the transfusion since her body is making its own red blood cells.  Pray that her digestive issues will be resolved and she will start gaining weight. 

These little babies who should still be safe and sound in their mother's womb have to deal with so many issues on a daily basis.  It makes the minor things we deal with seem of little or no consequence in the big picture!

The flu season is about here and that means that Jackson and I will not be allowed to visit the miracle babies.  Once flu season is officially here the NICU is shut down to visitors, especially children.

Please keep our miracle babies in your prayers.  They will be in the NICU until at least the middle of February.  Their due date was February 9 and the doctors said it is usually a week after their due date that the babies are allowed to go home provided all is well with their health. 

Thank you!

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