Wednesday, January 3, 2018


JANUARY 3, 2018 (7 weeks, three days)

Two of our miracle babies are progressing very well.  Madilynn is now on CPAP being weaned to the nasal cannula and then to breathing on her own.  She reached a milestone by weighing in at four pounds, one ounce.  She needs to learn to suck so her mommy and daddy can feed her.

Mackenzie is now off her CPAP and being weaned off the nasal canulla so she will be able to breathe all by herself.  She has had no more issues with vomiting and her alarms rarely go off now.  She too needs to learn to suck so she can be fed by her parents.

Mckayla is having a difficult time. Her small and difficult beginning is probably contributing to her being just a tad behind her sisters.   She has had several bradys and had a very bad one after her daddy held her.  Four or five nurses and even the doctor were there trying to get her to breathe.  Her oxygen saturation dropped to zero and her heart rate dropped to fifty.  Even those these are fairly common in preemies, we would like to see her outgrow these soon.

We appreciate your prayers and ask that you continue to remember them as they come to mind.  We know that they are not out of the woods yet.  Since they were born thirteen weeks early their baby hood milestones will be delayed by at least three months.  An average baby sits at six months; they won't be expected to sit until at least nine months.  An average baby walks at twelve months; Mckayla, Madilynn, and Mackenzie will not be able to walk until at least fifteen months.

Their immune system will be weaker until they are at least two years of age and this will contribute to a bit more difficult time for them and their parents.  Things that other parents take for granted or don't even consider will be much more important and even critical for these three little miracle babies.

Thank you so much for all your prayers!!

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