Tuesday, January 30, 2018


(10 weeks,1 day)
37 weeks
The miracle babies are getting chubbier and chubbier. They are given 27 cal to fatten them up and help brain development but an unfortunate side effect is a horrible diaper rash. Two of their baby bums are so sore and are therefore, left to the air. They have changed baby wipes but have not yet found the right ointment to heal it quickly. They are all off CPAP and onto cannulas. McKayla is on 1.5 liter; Mackenzie is on 1 liter, and Madilynn is on 1.5 liter. All are in cribs but still propped up. None are ready yet to lay flat. 
Alarms go off here and there but nothing like it used to be. Mackenzie has had no bradies and no drop in heart rate in several days. She is staying awake longer and longer. The miracle babies started tummy time yesterday. The doctors are not too concerned about Madilynn's birthmarks. They will measure them and keep watch on them. Her liver scan was clear which means they are not internal. The angel babies are all off the caffeine shots now which had helped stimulate their breathing. They are now at the age where that is no longer necessary.
Christine says the twins are mini Michaels and that Mackenzie is her mini me. They all have Michael's eyebrows and attached earlobes. They love to be held by their daddy and are mesmerized by him according to mommy. 
McKayla weighs 5 lbs, 4 oz and is 16.7 inches long.
Madilynn weighs 5 lbs, 10 oz and is 16.9 inches long.
Mackenzie weighs 5 lbs, 3 oz and is 16.3 inches long.
It is truly amazing that McKayla is right there neck and neck with her sisters since she was diagnosed with intrauterine retarded growth syndrome because of her umbilical cord issues. God let her grow inside and outside keeping right up with her sisters. 
Michael and Christine took an infant CPR class on Sunday in preparation for them to be coming home in less than a month if all continues to progress well. 
Please keep our miracle babies in your prayers and Michael and Christine as a whole new journey is going to start when the babies come home. Pray for the little bottoms to heal quickly and not be such a discomfort to them. Pray that they will get to the point to be able to breathe on their own soon. Pray that mommy keeps healthy. Thank you again for all your thoughts and prayers for our precious gifts from God!!

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