Wednesday, January 17, 2018


JANUARY 12 (eight weeks, five days old )

This week the doctors met with Michael and Christine for the babies' 60 day checkup! McKayla has now graduated to cpap. This is the first step to getting her breathing completely on her own. She is doing well. Today Madilynn took 30 ml by bottle and Mackenzie took 16 ml. They are getting the knack of sucking wonderfully well. They are all out of the isolettes now. A specific prayer request is for the miracle babies' eyes. Preemies are at risk for damage to their eyes from being on oxygen for so long. Pray that their eyes will not sustain long term damage. Alarms still go off occassionally and each baby takes 2 steps forward and one step back every now and then.  McKayla  weighs four pounds, six ounces.  Madilynn is four pounds, fourteen ounces.  Mackenzie now weighs four pounds, nine ounces.  She has finally started gaining weight regularly.    Thank you for your prayers!!

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