Wednesday, January 17, 2018


JANUARY 17 UPDATE (9 weeks, 3 days old)

On Sunday the girls had their two month vaccinations. Tis hard to believe the babes are two months already. Afterwards Madilynn and Mackenzie needed to increase their oxygen support which is fairly common after vaccinations. They also had eye exams which are very exhausting for the darlings. Fortunately they were feeling much better last night. These two miracle babies will be weaned back off their oxygen today. The dermatologist will be looking at Madilynn's birthmarks today. She has had multiple birthmarks pop out all over her body. They want to keep an eye on them. McKayla will be weaned lower on her CPAP. McKayla and Mackenzie weigh 4 pounds, 11.8 ounces and Madilynn weighs 5 pounds, 1 ounce. We often don't get an update when days are rough for the miracle babies because mommy is dealing with all the stress. Madilynn had multiple alarms go off in one hour a few days ago. Please pray for Christine. She has not been back to the house in ten days since we are fighting the flu here. She is at the hospital day after day and goes back to the Ron Mcd house every evening. Pray for confidence and peace for her when the babies come home. It is an overwhelming thought to come home with three babies potentially on oxygen and alarms. Thank you for your continued prayers. We stand in awe of God's amazing grace and miraculous works in the lives of these three miracle babies.

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