Tuesday, November 28, 2017


For  with God nothing is impossible.  Luke 1:37

NOVEMBER 28 (two weeks and two days old)

All the babies have their eyes open now.  They each had sonograms done on their hearts and the doctor is not overly concerned since they are still so premature.  They will just wait and watch at this time. Pray that their heart issues will resolve on their own in due time. 

McKayla had another transfusion done today.  The x-ray of her lungs was totally clear.  So she is fine with that issue. Thank you for your prayers.    She had a virus and was on antibiotics. Her white blood cell count was good so she was able to fend it off.  She is still on IV instead of her mother's milk. 

They are all three on breathing tubes now.  All had alarms going off last night so none were able to be held and touched today.  Madilynn had 31 alarms go off last night; four were serious. Pray that the babies will stabilize so they can be held regularly. 

They gave Christine three blankies  to sleep with  so the miracle babies can have their mother's scent in their isolettes with them.

A real blessing:  Michael's boss called him in and told him to go to the hospital to be with his wife and babies.  They are going to work with him at being able to spend more time with his wife and babies.  This will be so helpful to Christine who has been staying at the Ronald McDonald house alone during the week and spending the days with the babies by herself. 

Thank you so much for your faithful intercession on behalf of our miracle babies also known as the angel babies by their momma. 

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