Tuesday, November 28, 2017



The  miracle babies were delivered shortly after 3 p.m. on November 12, 2017.  Baby A weighed one pound, ten oz; Baby B weighed one pound, fourteen oz; and Baby C weighed two pounds. Baby A just about caught up to her sisters!   They all came out able to breathe but not quite enough to maintain oxygen levels so A and B have breathing tubes. Baby C is breathing on her own. 

Baby A is named  McKayla Grace, Baby B is Madilynn Elizabeth, and Baby C is Mackenzie Karen.

27 WEEKS (one day old)

Baby A McKayla is off the breathing tube and is using assisted oxygen through her nose.  We need to pray God's protection from a  myriad of things that can go wrong from errors on nurses and doctors part to infections and more. Pray Baby B Madilynn gets off her breathing tube soon.  They truly are miracle babies held in God's hand. 

27 WEEKS (two days old)

Baby B Madilynn was diagnosed with a heart murmur today.  Pray that it clears up on her own and won't need meds or surgery.  She is still on the breathing tube.  Baby C Mackenzie assisted oxygen was increased today.  Pray that the miracle babies do not have any brain bleeds.  Tomorrow they will be 72 hours  old and may be held skin to skin.  Christine changed Madilynn's diaper today.  All three are getting 2 ml every three hours of Christine's colostrum in a tube from mouth to stomach.  Phenomenal that they are not on IV.  Thank you prayer warriors. 

27 WEEKS (three days old)
Christine was discharged today.  First time to go to the new house that Michael moved into while she was hospitalized.  Mckayla and Mackenzie are off the lights for jaundice.  Mackenzie is still under them.  Madilynn may be taken of the breathing tube and McKayla put back on.  Mackenzie did not digest all her milk today.  Pray that their livers start working and their lungs to strengthen and that Mackenzie can tolerate her milk better.  Pray that Christine does not over exert herself.  She is pretty sore.    Thank you!!

28 WEEKS (five days old)

We need to put the fervor we prayed for McKayla into the other two now.  McKayla is doing the best.  She may soon be the first to be held.  Madilynn and Mackenzie had alarms going off for low heartbeats and low oxygen.  We need God to heal Madilynn's heart murmur which is a PDA (patent ductus arteriosus) common heart defect in preemies. The vessel connecting the pulmonary artery to the descending aorta fails to close. It usually closes within hours or days of birth.     Thank you for interceding on the babies behalf. 

28 WEEKS (six days old)

The hospital just called and A Mckayla  and B Madilynn are doing great but C Mackenzie is under 24 hour close surveillance.  She has blood from her mouth and tube to stomach.  She also had a few episodes of choking.  They do not know what it causing this problem.  Please pray blood and choking stop and for doctors to determine what is causing it.

Update:  Mackenzie had no more episodes with bleeding or choking.  She had the best scores on oxygen and carbon dioxide readings today.  She had a good poopy diaper to get that bilirubin out as she is still under the lights.  Christine got to hold her while the nurse changed her bedding.  Christine gave her a lollipop of milk, a long q tip dipped in milk and put in her mouth.  She mouthed it very well. 
Prayers are working.  Thank you!

28 WEEKS (eight days old)

Madilynn still has the PDA.  The doctors will give her one more week before they discuss options.  They did put Mackenzie on the breathing tube now.  She has never been on it.  That has helped her not stress out so much.  Mackenzie has now developed a heart murmur that the doctor thinks is related to the blood and choking episodes.  He says it may have been an infection.  He hopes it will clear up on its own.  Mckayla is doing awesome.  Christine got to hold her for 2 hours and Madilynn for 45 minutes.  Mackenzie had a blood transfusion  today because of all the tests to figure out her bleeding issue.  They all had the lines removed from their belly buttons today and have PICC ( peripherally inserted central catheter) lines in.  Mackenzie's PICC line got infected and they had to move it.  All three had a brain scan done and all is well.  Next brain scan will be at 34 weeks. 

28 WEEKS (nine days old)

Christine got to hold Mackenzie today.  McKayla's PICC line got inflamed so they moved it to her hand.  She almost has her eyes open.  Christine is making tons of milk.  Too much for the hospital to store.  They are going to have to purchase a freezer to store it.  A great problem to have!  Babies got their pictures done today courtesy of March of Dimes and Love It Photography.  Christine was able to stay 10 hours with the miracle babies today. 

29 WEEKS (12 days old)

Mckayla has now had a blood transfusion and Madilynn will soon which will make that all three.  Through the night the babies get so relaxed alarms go off.  They  will soon have sonograms done on their hearts to determine what is the extent of the problem there.  Mackenzie is back on the breathing tube.  Christine did not get to hold any of them today.  Pray the lungs will continue to mature.  The doctors actually give them caffeine to help with their breathing.  Pray that the heart issues will be easily resolved.  Thank you for all your prayers on behalf of the miracle babies. 

29 WEEKS (13 days old)

Mckayla had a terrible episode today.  She had stopped breathing several times through the night.  This morning they really had to work on her to resuscitate her.  They decided to put her breathing tube back in and gave her fentanyl for the pain.  First side effect of fentanyl is respiratory distress and it completely closed off her airway.  She is now on IV, no more mother's milk, no more being touched or held for a few days until she stabilizes.  Please pray she stabilizes quickly so she can be held and fed her mother's milk. 

29 WEEKS (14 days old)

McKayla now has either a collapsed lung or pneumonia.  They will do another x ray to determine which.  The other two are stable.  Michael held Madilynn and Christine gave Mackenzie a bird bath.  Pray the McKayla's lung issue will resolve quickly with no further complications.  Thank you!!

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