Sunday, March 4, 2018


March 4 Update: Mackenzie is doing well taking her bottles. She is a bit pokey but they are getting her necessary milliliters into her. She gained weight so that that is a good thing. She will be weighed again next week. Madilynn and McKayla are doing much better. McKayla is still on her oxygen but it is being gradually reduced. The medicine seems to be working! That is wonderful news. They each took bottles today while Michael went to visit them. He was able to hold them both and have some good visiting time with them. Madilynn has not had an alarm requiring stimulation in some time and McKayla's last one was March 1. They are coming along quite well!! Thank you for your prayers. As always we appreciate you intercession on our miracle babies, warrior princesses, and angel babies behalf. You are such a blessing to our family.

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