Monday, March 26, 2018


The babies' surgery was successful.  They were taken back much later than scheduled and we didn't hear from Michael until about six that evening.  The next day they were off off everything and doing well.  McKayla and Madilynn  are scheduled to come home Wednesday!! Mommy and Daddy are going to be trained on how to do the feeding tubes tomorrow. They also will be rooming in at the NICU and take care of the babes all on their own as a practice run before they are discharged. McKayla needs to pass the car seat test where she sits in it for one and a half hours without an issue. If she does not pass it she will have to use a preemie car seat which is like a bassinet. She will be tested again tomorrow, She will most likely come home with an apnea monitor. Mackenzie is doing well. She is getting her hips checked out tomorrow. A normal precaution for multiples just to make sure there are no problems. They purchased a Honda Odyssey for going from one child to four children. Their quad cab pickup just did not have room for four car seats! The SUV he wanted actually did not work once the car seat was placed. So that was given up for the ease of a van.  Also the cargo space was much better in the van than in the SUV.  
Jack and I will be going back up this weekend. I am looking forward to seeing the twins. I have not seen them since December! Pray for Jackson as he will be adjusting to two more new babies. Thank you for your prayers. They are much appreciated.

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