got to see and hold the twins today. She took her milk to the hospital
as they are getting her milk through their feeding tubes. Their beds
have been lowered flat. McKayla is still on one liter of oxygen.
Madilynn weighs eight pounds, ten ounces and McKayla weighs eight
pounds, three ounces. They are our chunky little monkeys. The medicine
for their reflux seems to be working. They are having fewer problems.
They have several more days on it to determine if it in
fact working. They are still learning to suck their pacifier in
preparation to take bottles. Please pray their reflux is improving and
that they will take to sucking so they can get on bottles. Also pray
for Christine and Michael. Things are getting a bit overwhelming.
Michael needs to find a new vehicle that will fit four car seats.
Please pray for wisdom and God's leading to just the right vehicle.
They have many appointments and scheduling and it is quite crazy.
Please pray for peace and strength day by day as life is going to
continue to get crazier and crazier!! Thank you for all your prayers.
We appreciate each and every one of you that take the time to remember
our angel babies!! God's richest blessings on you all.
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Sunday, February 25, 2018
is doing well. Every bottle feeding she does better and better. Mommy
is a pro when it comes to her care, making her special formula, getting
her to suck on the bottle, the exercises she does with her, and just
loving on her! Jack is completely enamored with her. He always wants
to get a picture with her.
Madilynn and McKayla are on their third medicine trying to get their reflux under control. They are doing better each day but still not quite to where we would like them to be. Please continue to pray the reflux will calm down for them. Christine is feeling much better and relaxed by being able to be home after only coming home once a week for three months. She rearranged the living room today, if you remember, she was in the hospital when Michael moved them to their new home.
Thank you for your continued prayers! We appreciate you!
Madilynn and McKayla are on their third medicine trying to get their reflux under control. They are doing better each day but still not quite to where we would like them to be. Please continue to pray the reflux will calm down for them. Christine is feeling much better and relaxed by being able to be home after only coming home once a week for three months. She rearranged the living room today, if you remember, she was in the hospital when Michael moved them to their new home.
Thank you for your continued prayers! We appreciate you!
who came home today?! Mackenzie, Baby C. She officially graduated
from NICU after 14 weeks. She was just about 2 pounds at birth and is now a
healthy seven pounds, eight ounces. She took her bottle for mommy like a
champion. Jack is tickled pink with her and loves her little hands and
soft downy head. She is very calm and docile, she hasnt even cried at
all. Mommy said preemies dont have the lusty cry of a full term baby,
just little mews. She had her first ride in her car seat and her first
ride in her swing. Thank you for all your prayers as the first of three
have come home. You are so much appreciated. Please continue to pray
for the twins' reflux to heal and to be able to take their bottles well
with no trouble. Also pray for mommy as she will not be able to be with
the twins as much as she has been.
Sunday, February 18, 2018
February 18 update
14 weeks
All the girls are over seven pounds and Madilynn is approaching eight pounds!! Hopefully the medicine is working on the twins' reflux. They are completely off bottles until improvement is shown. Tuesday is the big day to determine if the meds are helping them with their reflux. They do not like to suck because it equates to such discomfort for them. So they are back to square one with learning to suck and take their bottles. All three are off their high caloric intake which was to increase body fat and to help with brain development.
14 weeks
All the girls are over seven pounds and Madilynn is approaching eight pounds!! Hopefully the medicine is working on the twins' reflux. They are completely off bottles until improvement is shown. Tuesday is the big day to determine if the meds are helping them with their reflux. They do not like to suck because it equates to such discomfort for them. So they are back to square one with learning to suck and take their bottles. All three are off their high caloric intake which was to increase body fat and to help with brain development.
McKayla is still on oxygen and alarming fairly frequently. She is our
amazing little miracle baby that has fought against all odds from the
beginning so we understand her being a bit delayed behind her sisters.
Mackenzie passed her car seat test, which consisted of sitting in it for ninety minutes with no alarms. Most babies do not pass the first time, but this little Warrior Princess did! Her bed is not quite to the flat position but she is almost there and has had no problems adjusting to each notch downward. Mackenzie still needs to get to eight bottles a day for several days in a row and she needs to go seven days in a row with no alarms. She is definitely getting ready to come home as soon as she meets these last few requirements.
Jackson is excited about the babies coming home. Every day he talks about the babies. He says "two McKaylas and Mackenzie" He is learning to say Madilynn, which kind of sounds like MaraLyn, his cousin.
Please continue to pray that the meds will help the twins' reflux and that Mackenzie will meet all her requirements with ease. Also pray that Jackson will adapt to no longer being an only child, with not just one new sibling, or two new siblings, but THREE new siblings!! Pray that Mommy and Daddy will adjust to the new workload of three newborn babies with little stress and that God's love and peace will surround them as they adapt to a whole new way of life.
As ever, thank you so much for being such faithful prayer warriors on this journey. We are so thankful for you all!
Mackenzie passed her car seat test, which consisted of sitting in it for ninety minutes with no alarms. Most babies do not pass the first time, but this little Warrior Princess did! Her bed is not quite to the flat position but she is almost there and has had no problems adjusting to each notch downward. Mackenzie still needs to get to eight bottles a day for several days in a row and she needs to go seven days in a row with no alarms. She is definitely getting ready to come home as soon as she meets these last few requirements.
Jackson is excited about the babies coming home. Every day he talks about the babies. He says "two McKaylas and Mackenzie" He is learning to say Madilynn, which kind of sounds like MaraLyn, his cousin.
Please continue to pray that the meds will help the twins' reflux and that Mackenzie will meet all her requirements with ease. Also pray that Jackson will adapt to no longer being an only child, with not just one new sibling, or two new siblings, but THREE new siblings!! Pray that Mommy and Daddy will adjust to the new workload of three newborn babies with little stress and that God's love and peace will surround them as they adapt to a whole new way of life.
As ever, thank you so much for being such faithful prayer warriors on this journey. We are so thankful for you all!
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Meds Update on Twins
the medicine appears to have started working with Madilynn. McKayla is
still having issues however. Please pray Madilynn continues to
improve and the medicine will start working on McKayla. Pray that
McKayla will have a much better day today and that vast improvement will
be seen in her. Thank you again for your prayers

February 12 Update
13 Weeks 1 Day
The babies' due date was Friday, February 9 so now they are fully baked!! Today is their 3 month birthday!!
Mackenzie is doing well with her bottle feeds. Once she can do all her feedings via bottles, her feeding tube can be removed. She is scheduled for a car seat test this week. She has to be able to sit in it for 90 minutes with no alarms. It may take a few trial runs. Mackenzie weighs six pounds, eleven ounces. She is preparing for homecoming. She took six bottles back to back yesterday. She needs to be able to take eight bottles a day for three to four days straight. Her bed was cranked down a notch today and will be lowered a notch every day. She will have a swallow test this week. They will also check to make sure her PDA in her heart has closed up completely. She will also have a hearing test. She will be the first to come home before we know it!
Madilynn and McKayla are still having issues with their reflux. We need to pray that their stomach muscle becomes stronger, the reflux stops, and the medicine works so they will be more comfortable and be able to keep their formula down. All three babes are off mommy's milk and taking a specific formula for them. Madilynn is our chunky monkey and weighs in at seven pounds, six ounces. McKayla weighs six pounds, twelve ounces. Her little bottom is all healed up. Finally the wound specialist, after three visits, found a cream to heal her bottom.
Please pray for the twins' stomach muscles to strengthen, their reflux to stop, and the medicine to work.
13 Weeks 1 Day
The babies' due date was Friday, February 9 so now they are fully baked!! Today is their 3 month birthday!!
Mackenzie is doing well with her bottle feeds. Once she can do all her feedings via bottles, her feeding tube can be removed. She is scheduled for a car seat test this week. She has to be able to sit in it for 90 minutes with no alarms. It may take a few trial runs. Mackenzie weighs six pounds, eleven ounces. She is preparing for homecoming. She took six bottles back to back yesterday. She needs to be able to take eight bottles a day for three to four days straight. Her bed was cranked down a notch today and will be lowered a notch every day. She will have a swallow test this week. They will also check to make sure her PDA in her heart has closed up completely. She will also have a hearing test. She will be the first to come home before we know it!
Madilynn and McKayla are still having issues with their reflux. We need to pray that their stomach muscle becomes stronger, the reflux stops, and the medicine works so they will be more comfortable and be able to keep their formula down. All three babes are off mommy's milk and taking a specific formula for them. Madilynn is our chunky monkey and weighs in at seven pounds, six ounces. McKayla weighs six pounds, twelve ounces. Her little bottom is all healed up. Finally the wound specialist, after three visits, found a cream to heal her bottom.
Please pray for the twins' stomach muscles to strengthen, their reflux to stop, and the medicine to work.
Monday, February 5, 2018
12 weeks, one day
Mckayla is still having diaper rash issues. Her little hiney is so sore. Since lotions have not worked they are now trying a different brand of diapers for her. The rashes of the other two are clear now. Mckayla is still on 1.5 liters of oxygen. She is still not doing well with her bottles. Her bed needs lowered eventually. She still has a way to go before being approved for discharge
Madilynn has been breathing on her own since Friday. She needs to improve her bottle feeding and have her bed lowered. She has some issues that are difficult for the doctors and nurses to figure out and that is stressful for baby and mama. Some things are just a mystery when dealing with preemie babies. Not all are alike for sure! She had a hearing test today that came back normal for preemies.
Mackenzie did great with her bottles today. She took three back to back bottles with no problems at all. She is breathing well on her own. She needs to keep up the great progress with her bottles and have her bed lowered and she will be ready to come home. She may very well be the first baby to come home.
Please pray that each of the babies will continue to improve with breathing and bottles. Pray that the mysteries of Madilynn will be figured out. Pray that Christine gets a good night rest each night between her pumping. Stress causes such exhaustion. Having babies in the NICU is stressful just in and of itself and then add all the things that she deals with day to day that we don't know about, she really needs good rest and strength from the Lord!
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